What we do... Who we are.
We specialise in Event Photography. Would you like a photographer to take photos, provide a complete professional, portable studio, and include immediate on-site printing of the photos at your event? Then talk to us!
We have provided services to large and small events for over 15 years, and been the photographer for movie and TV celebrities from around the world!
Event and VIP Photography - Australia wide
We can setup a portable photographic studio in almost any location where there is mains power available.
We are Melbourne based, but our studio is portable (and light enough to fly as checked luggage with Qantas) and can be made available in any city in Australia, making us the obvious choice if you have a tour planned, and want to provide matching services in every city you visit.
On-Site Printing
We are able to supply the latest Sinfonia (Shinko) dye-sublimation printers. These can produce 8*10" and 8*12" archival quality matte or glossy prints in about 40 seconds, and when several units are combined combined we can offer a sustained printing capacity of over 400 prints per hour all day if required.
The important bit to take away here is that we can provide prints as fast as we can take the photos.
Purchasing your Photos (Prints or JPGs)
We offer customers at your events the opportunity to purchase reprints on the spot.
We offer the ability to host all photos taken at your event on our site here, where customers can purchase reprints or a copy of the JPG file for their own personal use.
Photo Archive
We can also host the photos of your event online for as long as required, both to offer extended time for customers to order reprints but also to act as an advertisement for your event in the future. Your web site can link to your photos so that prospective customers can see what kind of VIP experience is promised.